Friday, 26 September 2014

IP Trends’ Most Popular Posts

These are our all-time most popular posts:

Where does litigation happen? Where are the most appeals and how many succeed? Lots of facts and figures.

When to amend. How to formulate strategy. What to expect.

What types of biotech subject matter are not patentable in Europe?

What are the differences between Boards? What is causing backlogs?

Why are so few tech transfer offices breaking even? And what can be done about it?

What types of clients are there? And how do we better serve their interests?

Bowman v Monsanto, Myriad, Wyeth v Abbot, Therasense all seem such a long time ago.

The basics of two revolutionary changes in Europe.

Virgin v Zodiac, IPCom v HTC, Nestec v Dualit, Generics v Yoda

The UK Intellectual Property Office continued its hard line against business methods and computer software, whilst requiring help from the CJEU on parthenotes.

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