Monday, 15 September 2014

IPKat Articles by Holly IP

We have now written 10 articles for the IPKat blog. We are very appreciative of the opportunity to write for this prestigious blog. These are the articles:

This was about whether the European Patent Office was about to change its policy on the way it looks at the feature of patient groups when assessing the novelty of medical use claims. That would clearly have a lot of implications for claims covering personalised medicine inventions.

This article discussed what contributes to innovation and how it is measured, together with thoughts on how innovation policies fit into the wider issues of how a country should decide on where to use its resources.

This article explores the debate around the issue of access to medicines in the developing world, and whether this is a human rights issue.

This article reviewed the UK Court decision AGA Medical v Occlutech and contrasted the findings of the UK judge with what happened at opposition at the European Patent Office.

This is about proposals from the UK IPO to change the way it publishes application. The article considers all the possible consequences of this seemingly mundane issue.

This article is about Swiss-style claims and the issue of their exact claim scope.

This is a report of the UK High Court decision TEVA v Leo which concerned inventive step of a pharmaceutical product. We assess the insights the decision provides for how inventive step is applied when assessing an R&D process in the context of incremental inventions.

Biotechnology and Intellectual Property Rights: a book review

A review that criticised many aspects of the book.

The New USPTO Interim Guidance on Patent Subject Matter Eligibility

This post gives a brief history of the US Supreme Court cases that led to the new Guidance.

Biotech inventions: controversies, case law, uncertainties and financing

This is the first in a series of articles about ethical and legal aspects of patenting biotechnology and how this fits into financing biotech R&D.

We have also had the following articles published on blogs related to IPKat:

This article explores whether the patent system is still fit for purpose in the age of open innovation ecosystems.

Claim interpretation, post-grant deletions, "obvious to try" -- and much more: Hospira v Genentech (on the PatLit blog)

This reviewed the UK Court decision Hospira v Genentech.

This article considers whether hard-pressed university tech transfer offices should turn to Patent Assertion Entities to monetise their patents.

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