The new Guidelines are available here.
A PDF version is available here.
The associated ‘Nature-Based Products’ examples are available here.
The new Guidelines are slowly being analysed by US attorneys
and subsequent posts will provide links to the best analyses. See below for
posts with useful initial comments.
From the viewpoint of a European biotech patent attorney the
Guidelines are important in determining what is patentable and what we need to
show to support eligibility. Now it seems ‘isolated’ natural products are patentable
provided the ‘markedly different’ test can be met. The markedly different test
requires a new characteristic in terms of structure or function. That means new
biological, pharmacological, chemical or physical properties, a new phenotype
or new structure or form. Importantly, if that test is passed there is no need
to proceed to the ‘significantly more’ test. Clearly this provides a lot of
guidance as to the sort of data that may be needed to support patentability.
The ‘significantly more’ test requires improvements to a technology
or field, applying the judicial exceptions (i.e. the law of nature, natural
product, etc) by means of machine, affecting a transformation; or adding a
specific limitation other than a well-known one, or a meaningful limitation
linking to a particular technology or environment. Clearly this provides an
idea of the sorts of limitations that claims will need to have to give
However, our biggest concern at the moment is Mayo type of
invention (Example 5 in the main Guidelines document). The invention concerns a relationship between
the concentration in the blood of a substance and the likelihood the drug will
be ineffective or cause harmful side-effects. The Guidelines say that ‘the
relationship is a natural consequence of the ways in which thiopurine compounds
are metabolized in the body, even though human action is needed to trigger a
manifestation of the relationship’. This leads to ineligibility. It is unclear
to us what types of relationships could be the basis of eligible inventions,
and what further limitations would have rendered the Mayo invention eligible. In
particular this is of concern for diagnostic and personalised medicine
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