1. Tech transfer has its own patent strategy. Often there will be a single opportunity to file
a patent application and publication by the inventors will happen soon after
filing. Usually that means that the application will be drafted with broad
claims, and there may be no subsequent filings. This is different from the
situation with research companies where there are a series of applications filed
as research progresses, some of which may be directed to minor developments.
2. For a tech transfer office whether or not to file a
patent application is a complex and potentially costly decision. Thought needs to be given to the likelihood
of successfully obtaining useful patent protection and also to whether there
are complications on the case that will lead to future difficulties and increased
costs. Patent Attorney advice should be taken on the likelihood of obtaining a
patent with reasonably broad claims. All possible problems with the patent
application should be considered, but a good rule of thumb is that strong
inventive step arguments should be available for use in examination.
3. The inventors will initially need to provide the tech
transfer office with the following information:
the scientific finding and their view of what
the contribution is in comparison to what is known in the relevant area
all the different ways in which the scientific
finding could be used
what they believe the closest relevant published
documents are, including their own publications and, if applicable, their own previous
patent applications
details of everyone who contributed to the
invention, which of these are believed to be inventors and why
any other information that is potentially
relevant to use or ownership of the invention, such as contractual obligations
concerning patent filings, use of confidential information or use of materials
provided under agreements
a list of companies that may be interested in
licensing or buying the technology.
4. Consideration needs to be given to the work the
scientists are planning to do in the priority year, and whether that needs to
be foreshadowed in any way in the patent application. In particular thought should be given as to
whether there need to be claims in the patent application that reflect the work
that will be done.
5. It is important to consider whether there are likely to be
future patent filings on downstream inventions from same scientists. The patent application will be prior art for
such future patent filings, and so if there are likely to be future filings the
patent application needs to be written in a way that minimises its prior art
impact on those filings. Further the
overall strategy will also be affected by whether the scientists are planning
to publish their work in the near future.
The prior art effect of such a publication may make it difficult or
impossible to obtain patent protection for any subsequent developments.
6. Ultimately the patent application is required to have
claims that are arguably valid and which cover subject matter capable of commercial
exploitation. Ideally such claims will
be broad and be capable of being enforced.
Certain claim types, such as screening claims, only cover activities
that can be done privately (for example in a research lab) and so infringement
can be difficult to detect. Product
claims tend to be easier to enforce. When
drafting the claims thought should be given to the main interests of commercial
parties who may licence or buy the technology.
7. In a tech transfer situation, where there is less control
over the scientists, grace periods may have to be used to nullify the prior art
effect of any public disclosure they have made. Grace periods are available in
many territories, including the US, normally the most important territory. However
if grace periods are going to be utilised then care has to be taken to ensure
that all conditions are met for use of the grace period. For example in certain territories the PCT
route is no longer available if the grace period is going to be used. Use of grace periods will however increase
8. The patent application should be filed as soon as
possible to obtain the earliest priority date and to minimise the possibility
of a public disclosure of the invention by the scientists. Preferably the patent application should be
filed before any discussions with potential collaborators and commercial
parties occur, even though these discussions will be confidential. Discussion of the invention with third party
organisations before filing a patent application can lead to claims of inventorship
from scientists from such organisations.
9. Patent protection is expensive and the costs escalate as
the case progresses. The end of the
priority year (at 12 months) and the end of the international phase (at 30
months) are appropriate time points to consider whether or not the application
should be abandoned. Proceeding beyond
the international phase can be expensive and normally that would only be done
if a commercial party had taken an interest.
10. Patent Attorneys
can be expensive. However the costs of
working with Patent Attorneys can often be minimised by making sure that they
are used efficiently. Patent Attorneys
will usually charge based on the amount of time they spend on a case and
therefore a tech transfer office needs to control this by ensuring they are not
given tasks that could be done by the tech transfer office or by the
scientists. Often it is best not to let
the scientists contact the Patent Attorneys directly. Instead all communications should go via the
tech transfer office to ensure that the Patent Attorneys are only used for
tasks none of the other parties can do.
You may also wish to see related articles Patent
Advice for Research Companies and Biotech
Patents in Europe.
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